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If you want to improve your horse’s spinning ability and pivot control, Clockwork is an essential exercise. This technique helps refine a horse’s balance, speed, and foot placement, ensuring they pivot correctly on the proper foot. Whether you're training for reining, cutting, or general performance work, mastering Clockwork can take your horse’s maneuverability to the next level.

What Is Clockwork?

Clockwork is a structured spinning drill designed to create a forward-moving, correctly pivoting spin. It works by envisioning a clock on the ground and having your horse perform a full revolution at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions. This method helps your horse stay engaged, balanced, and correctly framed throughout the movement.

The Purpose of Clockwork

The primary goals of Clockwork include:
Improving Pivot Control – Ensuring the horse pivots on the correct foot.
Enhancing Forward Motion – Preventing the horse from stepping under and sucking backward.
Developing Balance & Frame – Keeping the horse square, straight, and correctly aligned.
Preventing Anticipation – Avoiding bad habits like premature stopping or backing up.

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Clockwork

1. Establishing the Correct Pivot Foot

Before starting, ensure your horse understands the concept of pivoting. If spinning to the right, they should pivot on the right hind foot. If spinning left, they should pivot on the left hind foot.

2. Visualizing the Clock

Imagine a clock on the ground and position your horse at the center. The goal is to complete a full spin at each quarter position before moving to the next.

3. Executing the Spin

  • Move to 12 o’clock and cue your horse for a full spin.
  • Continue forward to 3 o’clock, spin again.
  • Repeat at 6 and 9 o’clock to complete the full sequence.

4. Controlling Pressure & Aids

  • Open the Inside Leg – Encourage forward motion into the spin.
  • Apply Outside Leg Pressure – Guide the horse into the correct turn.
  • Maintain Soft Hands – Keep reins balanced on the Withers to prevent over-flexing.
  • Release & Reinforce – Give small rein releases to encourage self-carriage.

Pro Tips for a Better Spin

Sit Square & Even – Maintain a centered, balanced posture throughout.
Keep the Frame – Do not release the reins completely when moving forward.
Prevent Anticipation – Occasionally ask for more than one revolution to avoid pattern predictability.
Use the Correct Bit – A soft bit like a D-ring snaffle helps keep the horse relaxed.
Encourage Self-Carriage – The horse should move freely without being pulled through the spin.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

🚫 Stepping Under Instead of Pivoting – This leads to loss of speed and balance.
🚫 Dropping the Head Too High or Low – Maintain a natural, level headset.
🚫 Leaning on the Bridle – The horse should respond to light rein cues, not heavy pulling.
🚫 Losing Forward Motion – The spin should remain dynamic, not sluggish.

Why Clockwork Works

Unlike other spinning techniques, Clockwork ensures the horse maintains forward momentum rather than getting stuck in a backward-moving pivot. This makes spins smoother, more efficient, and ultimately faster.

Final Thoughts

Clockwork is a game-changer for refining a horse’s spin. By reinforcing correct pivoting, forward motion, and responsiveness, this drill can dramatically improve spin precision and control. Keep practicing, stay patient, and watch your horse become more balanced and efficient with every ride!


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Promotional image featuring Michael Gascon with his horse, used to promote the Horse Safety Free PDF Checklist. Encouraging horse enthusiasts to download the checklist for essential safety tips and guidelines.


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Meet The Author: Michael Gascon!

I'm a 5th-generation, world-renowned horse trainer. My training methods have given tens-of-thousands of people a direct, no B.S. guide to training their horse to create more confidence, more fulfillment, and more enjoyable times with their four-legged friends.

As riders, we all want our horses to achieve their potential, but many people struggle with the process to get there.

I'm here to help you achieve maximum performance, relaxation, and focus by teaching you The Language Of The Horse.

The only requirement? The desire to learn more and have FUN with your horse.