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Michael Gascon riding a warmblood gelding on the trail, showcasing a harmonious partnership and enjoying the outdoor experience.

Horse help course

Train your horse to be a safe, reliable partner so you can have fun together and actually enjoy your horsemanship journey


✅ Trying to wear down your horse so he’ll listen is actually wearing you out before you ever step foot in the saddle.

✅ You bought a rescue horse only to realize someone needs to rescue you when you get nervous and he gets pushy and unruly.

✅ The typical ‘Natural Horsemanship’ methods have left you and your horse feeling more confused than understanding one another.

✅ You’re ready to fulfill your dream of training your own horse but you aren’t sure where to start.

Is it a yes? Then the Horse Help Course is for YOU!

The Horse Help Course is a 6-week online training program that will teach you my proven 12-step process to train your own horse to be a safe and reliable partner so you can have fun together!
Mockup image of the Horse Help course, showcasing a visual representation of the course content, structure, and potential learning materials.

In-Depth Video Training

I’ll walk you step-by-step through the entire foundation of my horse training process. You'll  watch the videos in an easy-to-navigate online portal. (I promise, even if tech isn't your favorite, you'll love how easy it is to use!)

Michael Gascon actively working on a horse, serving as a teaser for the Horse Help Workbook: 12 horse training steps to fix any problem.

Course Workbook

Not only do you get a video breakdown of me teaching each step, you'll also get a workbook! That means you can put down your pen and focus on learning. Plus, you can take your workbook to the round pen with you for easy reference!

Image of the Horse Help Course Facebook Community in mobile view.

Supportive Community

I have an AMAZING support network for you inside of my Horse Help Course Facebook community! You'll get support and cheers from riders and trainers just like you—in other words, you are not in this alone. 


you can gain your horse's respect without wearing your horse down

In other words, you do NOT have to get your horse all hot and tired in order to teach him!

As a 5th generation horse trainer, I grew up on the back of one of the hottest breeds in the world (raising, training, and winning over 50 National Championships with Paso Finos). I had to find a way to train these hot horses that didn’t follow the typical “Natural Horsemanship” methods. Why?

If you tried to lunge Paso Finos to get them tired or get their attention, they would keep going for hours—and basically laugh at you for thinking they’d get tired!

Instead, I learned that in order to train any horse well you need to be willing to listen.

Your horse will tell you anything. You just have to ask.

How do you know the right questions to ask? And, how do you know how to ask the right questions?

That’s what I’ll teach you in the Horse Help Course!

When you follow my 12-step process for training ANY horse—no matter the breed, size, or discipline—your horse will learn to:

respect your space

Michael Gascon actively working on a horse in an arena, demonstrating training techniques and skill development in a controlled environment.

Respond to your cues

Michael Gascon skillfully riding a horse in an arena, demonstrating expert horsemanship and control.

regulate emotions

Michael Gascon actively teaching attendees during a Gascon horsemanship clinic, sharing knowledge and skills in equestrian training.



is the horse help course for you?

Tell Me If This Sounds Like You...

✅ You dream of riding effortlessly over obstacles and enjoying a nice trail ride without the drama of “arguing” with your horse.

✅ You used to love riding horses until “that one time.” You’re ready to get back in the saddle and want someone to give you a proven process that’ll help you be both safe AND confident again!

✅ You’d love to get your horse to be calm or stand still no matter what’s going on. (Bring on the surprise animal visitors on the trail!)

✅ You’re tired of feeling insecure and out of control with your horse.

✅ You spent years on the sidelines cheering on your kids, friends, and family with their horse dreams. Now, it’s your turn to make your horse dreams come true.

✅ You want to be a cool, calm, and confident leader for your horse.

If you’re finished with being frustrated and you want to ENJOY your horse, the Horse Help Course is for you.

Your frustration ends where your knowledge begins.

(AKA when you start applying what you’ll learn in the Horse Help Course!)

ALL horses start at Preschool, or Kindergarten if you don’t have access to a round pen, no matter the age, breed, or experience level.

You’ll learn what’s expected in order for your horse to pass each grade level. If they PASS it, not perfect it, then you move on to the next grade level.

If (or when) they fail a grade level, you’ll fix that grade before moving on to the next step.

When you follow these 12 steps:

➡️You know exactly where your horse is at in his/her training.

➡️You get to the root of the problem instead of trying to fix a symptom of the real problem.

➡️You know your horse is safe and ready to ride BEFORE swinging your leg into the saddle.

➡️Your confidence skyrockets because you know what to do, when to do it, and (most importantly) how to do it safely!

Whether your horse is green broke, completely wild and untouched, or has been a lesson horse for 20 years, this process works!

Mockup image of the Horse Help course, showcasing a visual representation of the course content, structure, and potential learning materials.

Step-by-Step Training Videos

With at least one video (sometimes more!) for each of the 12 grade levels, I’ll show you exactly what to do so you can take your horse through each grade on your own.

The course is easily accessible from your phone, table, or computer so that you can watch the videos anywhere (even in the barn)!

VALUE: $4,997

Michael Gascon actively working on a horse, serving as a teaser for the Horse Help Workbook: 12 horse training steps to fix any problem.

Course Workbook

In this easy-to-navigate downloadable workbook PDF, you'll get a breakdown of what's in each of the grade levels in your workbook so you can follow along as I'm teaching.

No need to worry about taking detailed notes—I've got you covered!

VALUE: $1,797

Image of the Horse Help Course Facebook Community in mobile view.

Community support

You will never feel alone again, my friend. Throughout the 6-week course, you'll have access to and constant support (AKA cheerleading) from our private Horse Help Course FB community!

Plus, when you have a question, my in-house support team will make sure you get the answer!

VALUE: Priceless!

Thumbnail for 'Hot Horse Examples' online video included in the Horse Help Course. The image features Michael Gascon demonstrating techniques and insights for handling energetic or spirited horses during a session at a Gascon Horsemanship clinic.

Watch A HOT Horse Go Through Each Grade

You get to watch me take a HOT horse through each of the 12 grade levels. You'll see how I work through each level with a horse that has a "hot-blooded" temperament so you'll know what to do with your own horse when he or she gets excited or "too hot to handle."

VALUE: $600

Thumbnail for 'Cold Horse Examples' video in the Horse Help Course. The image features Michael Gascon demonstrating techniques and examples for working with cold or unresponsive horses during a session at a Gascon Horsemanship clinic.

Watch A COLD Horse Go Through Each Grade

Is your horse cold and sometimes lazy? Watch me take a COLD horse through each of the 12 grade levels. Learn how to get him or her to move without feeling like you're doing more of the work than your horse!

VALUE: $600

Thumbnail for 'Gaited and Colt Start Examples' online video included in the Horse Help Course. The image features Michael Gascon showcasing techniques and examples for working with gaited horses and starting colts during a session at a Gascon Horsemanship clinic.

Colt-Start AND Gaited Horse Examples

My 12-step process is exactly what I use when I start colts for clients. It's also what I've been using for years as an award-winning gaited horse trainer. In this BONUS, you'll see examples of how I take each of these horses through school. As you'll see, this system works for EVERY horse and EVERY breed!

VALUE: $1,200

Thumbnail for 'Bonus Goal Setting Mini-Course' video in the Horse Help Course. The image features Michael and Kelsey Gascon during the Gascon Horsemanship Never Give Up Tour.

Goal Setting Mini-Course

The Goal Setting Mini-Course will include a quick-start guide and exercises to help you make a plan for your horse journey based on the timeline you feel comfortable with.

Kelsey will teach you the biggest factor in finding success is having the goals and plan in mind to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

VALUE: $600

Thumbnail for 'Bonus Confidence Mini-Course' video in the Horse Help Course. The image features Kelsey Gascon during the Gascon Horsemanship Never Give Up Tour.

Confidence Mini-Course

The Confidence Mini-Course will include searchable replays from the Confidence Coaching Week, additional support materials, and exercises to help you pinpoint where you’re at now with your confidence—>where you want to be—>plus making the steps to get you there!

It’s time to make a commitment to yourself and to your horse!

VALUE: $600

Total Value of BONUSES: $3,600!!

Total Value of THE HORSE HELP COURSE: MORE THAN $10,000!!


How would you like to SEND IN VIDEOS OF YOU WORKING WITH YOUR HORSE and have them reviewed personally by a top trainer?

OUR LIVE VIDEO REVIEWS WITH MICHAEL every week make it possible to do just that!

Check Out These Options:
Explore various online course options offered by Horse Help, each tailored to meet specific equestrian needs. The image showcases the course details and inclusions, providing a glimpse into the comprehensive and valuable learning opportunities available.

So, what's the breakdown?

We're going to start by going through each grade together!

Of course, as a Horse Help Course student, you'll have access to ALL of the material forever. But there's something powerful about learning—and applying what you're learning—as part of a community.

To help you make the most progress, here's what you can expect each week ...

Week 1: Preschool

We'll start with free lunging over obstacles. You'll learn how to teach your horse to go over an obstacle with no lead attached to him without trying to come into your space or avoid the obstacle.

The goal here is for your horse to respect your leadership more than the potential fear of whatever obstacle is in front of him or her.

Week 2: Kindergarten & 1st grade

The foundation of my program is respect from your horse, and that's where we'll start in Kindergarten. You'll learn to get your horse to back out of your space without any physical pressure from the halter. He or she should also stop when you stop and back up when you ask to back up.

First grade is all about keep your horse's attention on you. As you lunge, your horse must walk a circle around you and look at you while giving you all of his attention. If you've ever wondered why nothing seems to change when you lunge your horse, this focus on attention will be a game-changer for your groundwork.

Week 3: 2nd, 3rd & 4th grade

Now that you have your horse's attention, it's time to learn how to keep it, no matter what's going on around you. That's where desensitizing comes in!

You'll learn to desensitize your horse at a stand-still AND in motion. I'll show you how to make sure your horse is safe no matter what comes your way, whether you're on the ground or in the saddle.

After desensitizing, we'll move on to mounting! Because I know you want to be able to ride your horse, right? You'll learn how to make sure your horse will stand still for mounting and when you're in the saddle.

Week 4: 5th, 6th & 7th grade

Remember how you wanted to feel in control on your horse's back so you can enjoy riding? Here we go!

Now that you're on his or her back, we'll focus on flexing which is really your horse's steering wheel.  From there, you'll learn how to get your horse to stop under saddle at a walk, trot, gait, and canter/lope. Plus, you'll work on softening your horse to the left and to the right.

Week 5: 8th, 9th & 10th grade

It's time to work on how you control the different parts of your horse's body. When you learn how to do this, your confidence will skyrocket!

You'll learn the steps to getting your horse to disengage both the hindquarters and the shoulders with a specific cue and in motion. Plus, you will learn how to ask your horse to flex and give his or her head while continuing in motion under saddle. This will be key to steering and guiding your horse at all rates of speed.

Week 6: 11th & 12th grade

Speaking of rates of speed, the final grades will focus on obstacles and speed transitions with your horse.

With speed transitions, the goal is to teach your horse self-carriage, holding his speed until you tell him to speed up or slow down.

My philosophy with obstacles is if you can't do them, then you shouldn't go outside. Because an obstacle is just anything the horse might ‘think’ is scary, from a wet spot on the ground to a change in footing. You'll learn how to get your horse to cross over any obstacle you put in front of him or her. How much safer (and fun) could it get?!

your questions answered

As a student you have lifetime access to the course and can complete it at your own pace and return for review whenever you'd like! 

We also have all of the live session replays from the course that are searchable within the course hub on-demand after you sign up. If you can't find the answers to your questions or end up feeling stuck in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out to us so we can help you!