Horse Training
Mastering the One Rein Stop
The one rein stop is a vital emergency maneuver that helps riders safely halt a horse's forward movement by flexing its neck and redirecting its energy. Unlike other techniques,...
Control the Head, Control the Horse: A Guide to Better Training
Mastering head control can transform your horse’s behavior and responsiveness, no matter their breed, age, or training level. In our “Control the Head, Control the Horse” series, we’ll dive...
Become A Confident Rider
To become a confident rider, start by ensuring your seat is secure and balanced, as confidence begins in your keister. Control the horse's head by flexing it left and right...
How to Slow Your Horse in an Open Field
In today's blog post, we focus on slowing your horse down in an open field. The key is to redirect your horse rather than pulling back on the reins, ensuring...
Working With A Runaway Horse – Part 1
Meet Dinero, a 10-year-old Walker cross who initially struggled with being spooky and difficult to control. Through foundational training that emphasized respect and pressure handling, his behavior improved significantly. Key...
When, And Where To Use A Crop While Riding A Horse
In his latest blog post, Michael Gascon, The Horse Guru, discusses the appropriate times and places to use a crop while riding. He emphasizes using a crop for colt starting,...
Mastering Obstacles: Building Trust and Control with Your Horse
Approaching obstacles with your horse can be daunting, but mastering the right techniques can build confidence and control. Key strategies include releasing the reins, sitting deep in the saddle, and...