Horse Training
Approaching an Obstacle: A Guide to Confident Riding
Approaching obstacles with confidence starts with understanding your horse’s natural reactions and using clear, consistent cues. Instead of pulling back on the reins, sit deep in the saddle, release pressure,...
Mastering Rollbacks: A Key Tool for Problem Horses
Rollbacks are an essential tool for improving control, addressing problem behaviors, and building a stronger connection with your horse. By disrupting negative patterns like bucking, rearing, or bolting, rollbacks shift...
Finding Your Seat: Achieving Stabilization in the Saddle
Achieving balance and confidence in the saddle starts with stabilizing your lower leg. By keeping your heels down, aligning your shoulders behind your hips, and applying light pressure in your...
How To Slow Down In An Open Field
Learning to control your horse in an open field doesn’t have to be intimidating. The key is redirecting their energy through gentle flexion and disengaging their hindquarters, rather than pulling...
Building Rider Confidence At The Canter
Building confidence at the canter is essential for every rider. Learn how to improve your seat, relax into the movement, and make subtle adjustments to your horse's head position to...