Horse Training
Dealing With Anxious Horses
When dealing with anxious horses, it's crucial to redirect their attention to you by being more energetic and engaging. Instead of toning yourself down, you need to be over the...
Become A Confident Rider
To become a confident rider, start by ensuring your seat is secure and balanced, as confidence begins in your keister. Control the horse's head by flexing it left and right...
Training Your Horse At A New Facility
In today's blog, Michael Gascon, the Horse Guru, addresses the common challenge of training a horse at a new facility. Using Whit, a spooky Rocky Mountain gelding, Michael demonstrates techniques...
Beginning Liberty With Tarzan Part 1
In today's blog post on liberty training, Michael Gascon from Gascon Horsemanship shares his journey in training Tarzan, his wife's Mustang makeover horse. Adapting his methods to suit Tarzan's unique...
Desensitizing Your Horse With A Pool Noodle
In his blog post, Michael Gascon, known as The Horse Guru, explores the unconventional method of using sword fighting with noodles to desensitize horses, enhancing horsemanship and building trust between...
Fitting A Halter To My Horse
Discover the art of HalterFit with Michael Gascon, The Horse Guru, as he demonstrates how a well-fitted halter enhances horse training from groundwork to riding. Using the versatile standard halter,...
Intro To Neck Reining - Part 1
Discover the keys to seamless horse training with Michael Gascon, The Horse Guru, as we explore the transition from two-handed to one-handed riding. This shift offers greater finesse, control, and...
From Halter To Bit Transition
Master the transition from halter to bits with expert tips from Michael Gascon, The Horse Guru. Begin with a halter to establish communication and responsiveness, then progress to a full...
Playing Horse Soccer
In this blog post, Michael Gascon, The Horse Guru, introduces Horse Soccer as a revolutionary training method that enhances horsemanship by encouraging riders to embrace playfulness over overthinking. By engaging...
Tying A Horse In The Trailer
In today's equestrian adventure, we explore the art of tying your horse—transforming necessity into a strategic game of joy. Join us as we uncover essential tips for secure and stress-free...
Tag With Your Horse
In the world of equestrian games, tag on horseback combines the thrill of being 'it' with the grace of mounted riders. As horses and riders maneuver through twists and turns,...
Riding The Eye: A Guide To Dealing With Bucking Horses
In today's discussion on riding techniques, we delve into 'riding the eye'—a crucial method for managing horses prone to bucking or kicking. By maintaining control over the horse's head through...