Horse Training
Approaching an Obstacle: A Guide to Confident Riding
Approaching obstacles with confidence starts with understanding your horse’s natural reactions and using clear, consistent cues. Instead of pulling back on the reins, sit deep in the saddle, release pressure,...
Mastering Rollbacks: A Key Tool for Problem Horses
Rollbacks are an essential tool for improving control, addressing problem behaviors, and building a stronger connection with your horse. By disrupting negative patterns like bucking, rearing, or bolting, rollbacks shift...
How to Break Through Resistance on a Horse Who Is Extra Resistant
Struggling with a horse that's extra resistant or prone to bad behavior like bucking or rearing? In this guide, we break down Michael Gascon's systematic approach to softening a...
Mastering the One Rein Stop
The one rein stop is a vital emergency maneuver that helps riders safely halt a horse's forward movement by flexing its neck and redirecting its energy. Unlike other techniques,...